Blog #28: Purpose


Now that I’m almost 30 blogs in, I thought I’d come back around to the purpose of why I even started with The Undiscovered Foodie. The purpose of my blog has been to demystify the seemingly exotic when it comes to food and make it more palatable and tangible for all. Of course, it has morphed a bit into different connections between culture and food, some new recipes to try out, restaurant reviews and food discovered during my travels. One part of the my purpose has not changed at all though and that is the idea of sharing what I know. My hope is that something that I have experienced or know about could enhance your life by encouraging you to try something new and discover delicious and delectable foods along the way! While I’ve always been one to enjoy the exploration and adventures of food, I know that this is not the case for many. You might’ve had one bad experience with Indian food and written it off for life. You may not like raw fish so you’ve just stayed away from Japanese food. You may think that foods at markets in foreign countries carry diseases so you just don’t go near them. Once again, my hope is just to open your mind to a new way of thinking and discovery. My hope is that you will discover the undiscovered and delight in your new knowledge and culinary experience!

One thing I’ve never been good at is promoting myself and I’m still figuring that out but for those of you have been following my blog throughout, I just want to say a heartfelt thank you. Thank you for taking the time to actually read (in a day and age when reading feels like it’s becoming almost obsolete), for your loyalty, for your comments and just for enjoying the journey! It means the world to me to be able to share and have this exchange. My goal now is to reach at least 50 blogs and then think about publishing a book. To my loyal readers, is there anything you’d like to heat about from The Undiscovered Foodie that I haven’t touched on yet? Please do not hesitate to share! 

I’m currently in the middle of a 5 day workshop with Jay Shetty and today he talked about the importance of morning and evening routines. One thing that came back around twice was the notion of gratitude and thankfulness. He stated that when you are present in gratitude, your mind cannot be anywhere else. Try it. It’s so true. He also encouraged us to be specific in our thankfulness. So, I am thankful for this time in my life which has afforded me the opportunity to write every other day. I am grateful for all of you, my readers, taking the time to enjoy my words and be my audience. I am thankful for those of you who have left me comments, and shared your experiences. I am thankful for the servers, the cooks, the chefs and the managers of all of the restaurants that I’ve been able to enjoy and review. I am grateful that writing has become an almost daily habit because habits reap results. I am thankful for overcoming my fear that nobody would care what I have to say and just writing anyways! So, I hope you all have a wonderful day and can find a few things to be specifically thankful for. You will feel a difference. Ciao for now- back at it tomorrow!


  1. I’m such a “routine” oriented person~ perhaps I’ll try to make a conscious effort to change it up a little! Congrats on keeping up the great work with blogging!

    1. Dena, routines are great for productivity though...I would say that it’s great to have a few in place. Thanks for reading!


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